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Data Analyst Apprenticeship



IT, Data Science
United States
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Position Summary

The Data Analyst Apprenticeship is an entry-level position within Merck & Co., Inc.

geared toward building a career in data analytics. As an apprentice, you will spend

four days per week in on-the-job training and one day per week completing

OpenClassrooms’ online Help Desk Technician training path - all while earning an

income! At the completion of your apprenticeship you will receive a U.S.

Department of Labor, Certificate of Completion of Registered Apprenticeship


This competency-based training program is approximately 15-months long and

includes 3-month intensive skills boot camp to build core skills followed by a

12-month long apprenticeship.

Future-proof Your Career with OpenClassroom

sOpenClassrooms’ mission is to make education accessible to everyone. Throug

hthis apprenticeship opportunity with Merck & Co., Inc., you can learn a new jo

bwhile simultaneously receiving a unique 100% online training experience tha

tcombines 20% theory and 80% real-life projects, ensuring you are fully prepare

dfor the job ahead. Joining OpenClassrooms means becoming part of a globa

lcommunity of over 12,000 active and motivated learners spread across 7


Apprentice Responsibilitie

  • s:Analyze data to identify trends or relationships among variable
  • s.Determine appropriate methods for data analysi
  • s.Evaluate technical data to determine the effect on designs or plan
  • s.Evaluate data qualit
  • y.Prepare data for analysi
  • s.Present research results to other
  • s.Prepare analytical report
  • s.Prepare graphics or other visual representations of informatio
  • n.Design research studies to obtain scientific informatio
  • n.Apply mathematical principles or statistical approaches to solve problems
  • inscientific or applied field
  • s.Evaluate project designs to determine adequacy or feasibilit
  • y.Supervise information technology personne
  • l.Update knowledge about emerging industry or technology trend
  • s.Implement security measures for computer or information system
  • s.Install computer softwar
  • e.Write computer programming cod
  • e.Design software application



  • ons:Able to work hybrid or remote in the Upper Gwynedd, PA Merck Loca
  • tionAt least 18 years of
  • ageU.S. citizen or have the right to work in the
  • U.S.Available to commit to a 3-month skills bootcamp followed by a 2000-
  • hourapprenticeship program (approximately 15 months to
  • tal)Strong verbal and written communication skills in English (for non-na
  • tivespeakers a TOEFL score of 80 is recommen
  • ded)High school diploma or equiva
  • lentTechnical knowle
  • dge:Fundamentals of computer literacy (high-school le
  • vel.Fundamentals of probability, statistics, and linear algebra (high-school le
  • vel)Programming language HTML, SQL, Python
  • ...)Manipulating data Excel, BI tool
  • ...)Employer To Provide: Access to technical equipment:(Computer PC or Mac), with administrator rights, at least 8 GB of RAM, and 100 GB of storage space avail
  • ableAccess to headphones, a webcam, and a stable internet connec



Upon applying, you will first complete OpenClassrooms’ admissions pro

cess toconfirm your eligibility to the program. We will guide you through the next s

teps inthe application p

Benefits: Provided by YUPRO P

lacementEmployment Type: 3-month bootcamp and 2000-hour competency-based apprenticeship (approximately 15

months)Medical I

nsuranceHoliday and S

ick daysA PC, webcam, and headset will be provided to you during the contract to support program requ

Why should you join this

program?Opportunity to join an exciting Pharmaceutical company focused on improving health w

orldwide.Earn and Learn - earn a salary {{with benefits}} while training in a professional oc

cupation.Earn a credential that can be used to further yo

ur careerWeekly 1:1 mentorship with an industry professional throughout the trainin

g program
Equal Employment O

pportunityOpenClassrooms, the Sponsor of this Registered Apprenticeship Program

, will notdiscriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices base

d on race,color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender

identity),sexual orientation, genetic information, or because they are an individ

ual with adisability or a person 40 years old or older. OpenClassrooms will take a

ffirmativeaction to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will o

perate theapprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code

of FederalRegulations

, part 30.
See the OpenClassrooms Equal Employment Opportun

ity pledge: